About us
Find summary information on our company. You will learn about profile of the company, its history as well as its achievements and accreditations.

Profile of the company
Basic summary information on the company
The Research Institute for Textile Chemistry in Žilina was established on the base of decision of the Ministry of Industry of the Slovak Socialist Republic on March 1st, 1970.
This way branch structure of research institutes in Slovakia for the field of textile and clothing industry with relationship to chemical and fibre industry has been complemented.

History of the company
Our story started in 1970
Look at our story in several historical milestones, dealing with development of the company, our achievements and accreditations obtained by the institute.

Our employees are a heart of the company, we are able to be competitive only with competent experts in the world of rapid development of science and research.

Our quality policy in based on the certificate EN ISO 900: 2015. Look at our goals, vision and solutions in the field of quality.
Work of high quality must be appreciated. Look at some awards obtained by our company in the frame of our work.