Basic information
Project title: Research of integration of functional textile system for biodata monitoring to achieve synergy of human health, comfort and safety
Identification number of the project: APVV-16-0190
Duration of the project: 01.07.2017 – 12/2020
Applicant: VÚTCH-CHEMITEX, spol. s r.o., Žilina
Co-operating institution: University of Žilina
Responsible investigator: Ing. Dana Rástočná Illová, PhD.
Characteristics of the project
Main objective of the interdisciplinary project is essential innovation and extension of the assortment of smart textile structures on the European market using progressive technologies, in this case low-temperature plasma technology and subsequent application of nanotechnologies, with integrated smart system for biomedical data monitoring. Result of the product solution will be a prototype of smart mattress topper ECG-SmartSheet with enhanced hygienic properties, designed for monitoring of human biomedical data in real time. Implementation of the project will create material preconditions for creation and improvement of satisfactory health and social conditions of post-production generation in the frame of the Slovak Republic and EU. The proposed project is a response to a prognosis of negative social development in the Slovak Republic and EU in the course of next 20 – 30 years with the aim to create preconditions for maintaining level of health and life quality of a significant proportion of the population.